Saturday, September 30, 2006


Well I didn't really get to bed after my post on wednesday. I ended up going out for a little... Yeah let's stick with that. Then proceeded to only get 4 hours sleep. Woke up feeling sicker than a dog complete with sore throat. I have my coworker (resident computer guy) who was sick all week but came in anyways, who had to fix my computer every damn day this week. My fault for not sanitizing after. But I went to work anyways as there was no way I couldn't. Even stayed for OT. Thank god friday was smoother and I got out on time.

Today I'm supposed to meet someone for coffee/drink but I really just want to stay on my couch. Heading over to a friends later on and we're going to watch football tomorrow! I'm excited. Which is weird cause I'm a baseball gal. But we're doing a pool at work and I've been leading for the last 3 weeks and we go 4 then start fresh again. I just need to get enough to keep my lead with tomorrow's games and I'll win $80. I could really use the money so I'm hoping!

Then it's back to work I go..... thank god everyone *should* be back on monday! Yay.

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