Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Just call me chauffeur....

Well this morning I started driving someone to and from work.

But not just anybody... the cutie I've been flirting with for months! Yes, I'm such a nice person I'm going out of my way to pick him up and then take him home after. Well I thought it was just to work but when he appeared in my office close to quitting time I think it was just assumed by both of us that I would be taking him home. What I'd really like to do is take him home with me! Ha ha! It really does suck that we work together as we get along very well and enjoy laughing with eachother a lot! The best part was showing up this morning and the coworker that's been pushing us together says 'did you two arrive together?' Classic.

But it's all very innocent.... unfortunately I don't see anything happening with him. And that is really really unfortunate as I think we could have made an interesting item. We definately would have had fun trying!


2 more days until my girls weekend away and I cannot wait. My boss asked me to work a later shift on thursday because of two meetings I have to attend but I had such a roller coaster ride getting the day off that I'm tired of bending over backwards for them. He did mention that I'd have to really manage my time well - um yeah really now? He's so clueless as to what I really do around there it's laughable. And honestly, he should talk about multitasking. Har.

Back to my couch I go....


Refinnej said...

Even if nothing happens with DTM, at least you have a nice driving companion AND eye candy every day. LOL

Andi said...

Yeah.... my thoughts exactly!