Sunday, June 18, 2006

From Jen:

I AM: Happy (and the best part is that I am for no particular reason!)
I WANT: to make more money
I HATE: other drivers because the majority are stupid!
I LOVE: my family & friends
I MISS: my grandparents
I FEAR: losing anyone I love
I HEAR: more than I’d like too
I WONDER: all the time
I REGRET: a lot but try not to regret much
I AM NOT: a married woman anymore – and damn happy with that
I DANCE: by myself
I AM NOT ALWAYS: quiet – I tend to talk a bit too much
I MAKE WITH MY HANDS: anything and everything I can
I WRITE: to get it out
I NEED: to move and get roommates to save money and try to get out of the hole!
I SHOULD: find a better paying job but for some reason I don’t
I START: lots but ….
I FINISH: ….don’t finish much

1 comment:

Kazzy said...

but living alone is cool too, being the queen of your own domain.. but I hear you about feeling like you are going backwards and then the roommates start to look appealing again...