Sunday, July 09, 2006

I love Sundays... ahhhhh

Well today has been one of those days.... a couple of long phone calls with friends.... lots of coffee..... and just plain relaxin! I'm just not feeling too motivated to do much of anything... feeling creative but haven't decided on what avenue to persue so I've been anything BUT creative.

What's new? Well had a really great night and talk with S the other day.... I think we've definately hit a good stride now and are in a good place. A really good "friendship" place. It's very nice actually.

Still crushing on cutie at work but have decided to just relax about it all.... I tend to over think things so for now I'll just drive him to work and get to know him.

I'm thinking of going on a very large and highly touted "successful" online site... just pondering the monday situation as it's a pay site and I'm poor. Yes, very very poor. I guess I should decide that one the back of my mind I think it might be a good thing.

And that's about it for me..... finally trying to get more shifts at my part time job but they don't have much that isn't day hours during the week when I'm already at my full time job :( Oh well... hopefully something comes soon....

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Slacker I am.....

Oops.. been a while. Haven't had much to post and well this thing is boring enough without having absolutely NOTHING to write about.

I've removed my profile from the 'online dating' world. It's been something I've been thinking about for a few months now and I guess I'd finally just had enough. I have no regrets and I met some great people, but the time has come to get something going IRL. I may end up back on there in the fall but for now I'm taking a break. Now that I've been ready for more than casual dating it doesn't seem that there are many guys out there looking for the same with me. Oh well. I know there's one out there for me somewhere..... now to find him! I'm looking forward to the journey.

I'm still driving my crush to work..... and I'm trying hard to NOT like him but I think I'm getting the opposite effect. So, it's time to piss or get off the pot already. I either have to get over my shyness and go for it or I have to get over him. I'm still not decided on the course of action I'm about to take. Yikes. Somedays I'm ready to just go for it but then I panic and that big fear of rejection comes into play again!

I don't get to go on my annual girls weekend next weekend either.... very very sad about this actually. But I've been so bad with money over the last year that I just can't justify it. I could borrow what I need but I honestly have no idea when I could pay that back. So I don't think I'd have too much fun. So instead I'm trying to fill up my weekend so I'm busy and not thinking about it. Friday night is good and now to just fill up Sat/Sun!

Today I have been cleaning and organizing my apartment. It appears that my little abode is benefiting from my boredom today! Speaking of which... I should get back to it.

Oh and Happy belated Canada Day!!!!!