Monday, December 12, 2005

Less than 2 weeks....

Wow... that really snuck up on me. 2 weeks yesterday. Oops. I have so much to do it's scary. At least work has slowed down for the time being. Apparently January is going to be full on insanity but I'm going to enjoy the downtime for sure - even if it's only a couple of weeks.

Not much new going on with me. Papers are done. Now to get them signed, sealed and delivered. Very weird seeing it all in writing and official looking. Will be even weirder when I start changing my name back. Wow. And it really, truly is a very small world I live in. I ended up on a date with one of R's old managers from 10 years ago. And if that wasn't weird enough.... my really good friend N went to high school and graduated with R's girlfriend. Crazy. I'm thinking that the It's a Small World ride at disneyland was my favorite for a reason.

Saturday, December 03, 2005


Stealing this from my sister......

A is for age: 29 (for a few more months anyways)
B is for booze of choice: beer
C is for career: marketing production (for now)
D is for your dad's name: Gary
E is for essential items to bring to a party: beer
F is for favorite song at the moment: You're Beautiful - James Blunt
G is for favorite game: Scattegories, Trivial Pursuit
H is for hometown: Vancouver, BC
I is for instruments you play: piano (years ago)
J is for jam or jelly you like: strawberry
K is for kids: none
L is for living arrangements: alone and loving it!
M is for mom's name: Marilyn
N is for name of your crush: too many to list - I crush daily!
O is for overnight hospital stays: 5 days when I was 20/21 (turned 21 in there)
P is for phobias: heights
Q is for quotes you like: "The kind of humor I like is the thing that makes me laugh for five seconds and think for ten minutes."
R is for relationship that lasted the longest: 8 years with the soon to be ex-husband
S is for sexual preference: Men.
T is for time you wake up: anywhere from 5:30 to 6:30
U is for underwear: cotton but would rather go without
V is for vegetable you love: broccoli, cucumbers, tomatoes
W is for weekend plans: recovering from dental surgery and christmas shopping
X is for x-rays you've had: chest, ankle, hand, back and of course teeth
Y is for yummy food you make: spaghetti
Z is for zodiac sign: Aries

Monday, November 21, 2005

Just another manic monday..... I wish it were sunday.

So it's been a while again. Big shocker there. Oh well.

Lots going on as of late. The old Dodge sold before I could even get a sign in the window and before it went in the Buy and Sell. Wow. Got more than I thought I would so I'm happy.

Weekend was great. Friday night consisted of a sex toy party - oh boy was that fun! There was a part I could have done without but hopefully I'll figure out the problem soon and talk to the party involved.

Saturday was eventful to say the least! L and I ended up out at the pub for drinks.... good thing we took a cab there! Oh boy! I was completely drunk... wow. Sunday was a write off to say the least.

Oh well, it's off to work I go.

Saturday, November 05, 2005


Wow... well I still can't believe how far I've come since this time last year. I was a MESS last year. Ahhhh what a difference.

I am officialy the proud owner of a 2001 Kia Rio. It's a cute little car - not my dream car but what a great price! Now to try to sell the old Dodge. That should be fun. If nothing is happening in a few weeks then I'll get it towed to an auto wrecker. No harm no foul as it's not like I paid anything for it.

Today is the divorce paperwork day. My girlfriend and I are going to help eachother and get this taken care of once and for all. R is making an appointment for a notary this week so things are coming together. Yay!

Off to clean and tidy - feeling very motivated today.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween!

Whoops! 2 weeks since I've been here. My bad. But trust me - you'll get used to it.

Nothing much new with me...... my apartment is finally set up. Now to put my pics up. Wow.. it's NEVER taken me this long to put pics up. I just have so damn many of them.

Work is crazy.... so crazy that it's making me crazy! I am booking two days off this month. Trying for this friday and then the 16th and guess what I'm going to do with that time - NOTHING! Maybe I'll hang some pics.

Oh and some rather sad news.... my car has had it. It's still driveable but it could basically go at any moment. My dad isn't going to waste the effort to fix what he's pretty sure it is as it's not worth it. So I'm going to be the proud owner of a newer car this week:) 2001 Kia Rio if all goes well. Not really in the budget but when is it really?

Monday, October 17, 2005


Well now I've gone and done it. I must have slept funny because I have been in severe pain all day. And it's not just a kink - it's full blown all my shoulders and I can barely move. Was basically a mess at work today... in tears..... ended up at the clinic to get some good drugs. Then I couldn't take the muscle relaxant until I got home :(

I am currently waiting for it to kick in. Oh yeah... better be good I tell ya.

My sweet coworker went home and got Bengay and rubbed it on my shoulders all afternoon. Ahhhh. Now to figure out how to get it on tonight before I go to bed. Should be interesting because it's painful to move.

On a happier note, I'm going to see the new INXS with Mr JD Fortune himself. And the opening act is Marty Casey. Woohoo! I am on strict orders to take pictures.... we are row 20 at the Queen Elizabeth theatre. Awesome!

Also, a friend has invited me to a private concert with Default tomorrow night at a club downtown. Am hesitant but really I shouldn't even be thinking about turning it down!

Saturday, October 15, 2005

The weekend is upon us.....

Very happy to see the weekend here.... it was an absolute shite week. Problem after problem at work. My job is all about problems but this week was out of the norm. I love long weekends but honestly the problems that come after almost make it not worth it.

Today I have a kids birthday party to go to for a friend..... then I'm coming home to stain my tv stand. Finally. We'll see if I actually do it or not. I am the queen of procastinating. Come by it very honestly from my mother. I'm supposed to have a date later tonight but I think I need to get out of it due to some other personal stuff going on. Having boy troubles and I really need to wrap my head around everything going on.

Tomorrow I have another birthday to attend but I'm still iffy on if I'm going. It's old friends and I've never met their daughter (she'll be 1) as we've drifted apart over the last few years so I'm nervous about seeing people I haven't seen since before the separation etc. Not that I'm ashamed but honestly I hate when people look at me sadly and ask how I'm doing. I'm doing just fine thank you. More than fine. Finer than I've been in years!

Time to get my butt in gear.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Oops... I did it again.

Well now it's been over a week since my last post..... I'd say get used to it but I really am hoping to not go that long between. OH well.

What is new? Hmmmmm well... I had an interesting weekend. A friend came over on friday and I definately enjoyed their company. Then saturday was spent with my friend Jen and her 7 week old baby Reegan. Such a doll. Then I headed home to get ready for a night out with the girls. Got a little too drunk and only got 2 hours sleep before heading to see my sis & the boys! Good thing I got to sleep most of the way!

Had a wonderful turkey & ham filled dinner with my family and I even brought along a friend who fit right in.

Then we turned around and came home yesterday. Yes, one night. I really am insane.

Today was back to work time.... and I was in better spirits than normal..... shocking. Unfortunately I can't say the same about everyone else!

Oh... almost forgot. My coworker wants to go see INXS when they come in January. We were both fans and my JD won the coveted role. She wants my sister (yes you Jen) to make a trip and come with us. It's Jan 18th so let me know asap!

Sunday, October 02, 2005


I'm slacking already..... and got an order to post here from my sis.

Not much really going on in my world. Busy getting settled in my new place but I'm thoroughly content here. Cannot even describe it.

Had a little bit of a problem with my old landlord and I got a little hosed in the damage deposit area but I'm just happy to be done with them. Good riddance. I wish all his future tenants the best of luck putting up with that noise.

Will post more soon - I promise! Just waiting for things to settle down.

Monday, September 26, 2005


Ten Years Ago: I was working at Canadian Tire and was about to venture to Las Vegas for a auto show. I won the trip out of all my department and was only 19. Yes I drank and yes I gambled but only a bit because I looked even younger then. I was living at home and enjoying my friends. Probably spent a bit too much time smoking pot though. Ha ha ha.

Five Years Ago: Ryan and I were newly engaged with a wedding date set for September 1, 2001. Yes 911....ironically we came home from our honeymoon on 9/11. Good times. Probably should have taken some of that as a *sign* but what can you do.

One Year Ago: Ryan and I were newly separated. First time not living together since early 1997 when we first shacked up. I'm still thinking that we are *working on things* at this point but really Ryan is about to meet Megan. Again, good times. Both of us were in Langley but I was about to be going back to Cloverdale as Jen & Aaron had gotten back together.

Yesterday: Up and at them early to get over to Cloverdale to finish up at my old basement suite. And then get back to my new and wonderful apartment. Had a nice lunch with a new friend and sweat far too much for a woman! ha ha ha I hate moving btw, but for the first time in a very long time I really feel like I'm supposed to be where I am. Very content.

Five Songs I Know All The Words To:
Brown Eyed Girl - Van Morrison
Buffalo Stance - Nenah Cherry (still rememer this one!)
Don't Lie - Black Eyed Peas
Wake Me Up When September Ends - Green Day
On My Own - Hedley

peanut butter
ice cream

Five things I'd do with 100 million dollars:
a nice brand spankin new car
give money to my family
build an SPCA shelter in my sister's town AND fund them.
take up hobbies that interest me because i can now afford them
travel again!

Five places I'd run away to:
New York

Five things I would never wear:
a toupee
skin-tight anything
leather pants

Five Favourite TV Shows
Gilmore Girls
Amazing Race
The OC

Five greatest joys
Austin & Jack
living on my own

Five favourite toys:
Canon SLR camera
dvd player
old gameboy (tetris baby!)

Current Reads:
Harry Potter (taking forever as I never sit down and read)
nothing else!

Five People I am tagging to do this:

nobody as I don't have anyone too tag

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Wow.... not sure I've felt this content.

I am finally here. Moving part sucked but thanks to some amazing friends, Dolores, Ingrid and Josh, it's almost all done and I just have some odds and ends left there.

I've been MIA as you can tell but I was literally packing every night in the middle of everything else. Work has been crazy and I think I need some time off as I'm starting to lose my patience and get very worked up. It's just so stressful. I love the pace but I'm feeling so much pressure lately that I can't see myself staying there for long term. But I love everyone I work with... they are such an amazing group of people. And I feel like I really fit well with the majority of them.

I will be back tomorrow with hopefully something more witty. Am too exhausted to think about anything else.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

So much for stepping back....

I didn't step back at all. I decided that the guy I am interested in was something I wasn't going to step back from at all. No sure where things are going but I have made a friend that makes me laugh. A lot. And that is one of the most important things to me. Laughing really is the best medicine.

And, after talking to another guy for a little while now, I'm going to meet him tomorrow if all goes well. After dim sum with the girls that is :)

So..... I took 1 step back and 2 steps forward so to speak. And this my friends, is how the dating world is going for me. I have ups and downs and this past week was one of my *downs* and I am now on my way back up. Yay.

Very unexciting saturday night, escaped packing for 3 hours and went to see said friend, then got home and watched a movie. No packing which is bad but I'll tackle more tomorrow.

Friday, September 16, 2005

1 week to go

I am so ready to move..... no I'm not packed but I'm ready to go. I really need to pack more. That's what this weekend will be all about. Good times.

I'm *off* the dating scene for a bit I think. How's the saying go? You always want what you can't have and get what you don't want. Yeah. That's my life in a nutshell. I will continue to meet guys though as I've met some really nice ones but I'm definately going to take a step back.

Now I am off to snack and watch some movies as my girls night out got postponed so I'm home and enjoying every minute of it!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

My internet sucks!

Wow... I am getting more and more frustrated with my internet - I guess it's a good thing I'm moving in 10 days and will have cable again! I like the concept of wireless but not my landlords connection. Nope. Not a fan.

I'm one step closer to packing. Nope - have yet to pack anything but I did bring more boxes home from work. Will be making a dent tonight for sure.

Right now I'm trying to get my connection to last so I can post this and catch up on my emails. Oh and watching Canadian Idol - I'm a sucker for singing. For once I like both singers a lot so I don't really care who wins. Well I would prefer Melissa but I liked at least 7 of the top 10 so that's a pretty good ratio.

And the last person to view my suite here has officially come and gone. I thought he wasn't having any luck as he kept bringing people through but apparently he's had a lot of interest and said he was going to be deciding now and the he was done.

And now.... I must pack. Yes... now hopefully I won't get sidetracked again.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Should be packing :)

Okay well I have officially 10 days (give or take a few hours) to get myself and my stuff put into boxes and be somewhat organized for moving day. Nope. I'm here. I'm enjoying my first night with uninterrupted internet service thank you very much. So much so that I have no more sites I've been meaning to peruse and finally had to get my butt over here. Oy.

So, this dating thing is weird. The ones I really want - yeah it's not mutual. And the ones I am not that interested in - well they are really into me. Go figure. All I do know is that I haven't met *the one* or anything close to that. Well there's one that has me very intrigued but I know it's not mutual so I can't force it. I am happy being friends with him as he makes me laugh and I never really tire of talking to him. And he gives me a run for my money - have to fight for air time sometimes and that doesn't happen a lot with me. Go figure. Yes... I am a chatterbox.

So.... I keep looking... or not looking. A bit of both I suppose. I actually try to *not* look but I'm forever "boy watching" so it's hard not too.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Sunday..... my day of rest

Well I love sundays. This sunday however I have two baby showers to go too. Oy! The first one I am excited for as it's Jen, my old roomate and I look forward to seeing baby Reegan again. I am looking forward to the other one too for my old coworker but I'm not going to know as many people and I'll be late because of the first one so that makes me uncomfortable. Oh well... I'll survive :)

I need to go and get my butt in gear.... want to pick up a couple of dog treats for Kona & Taiga :)

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Ahhhh... the weekend is here.

Well I'm happy the weekend is here but I have so much to do in the next two days I'd almost rather be at work! Well not really.

Had a nice visit with friends last night, do not see them nearly enough. Need to stop spending time with boys and make time for my friends more :)

My day of errands is about to start.... I'm tired just thinking about it.

Friday, September 09, 2005


Okay... I don't think I've ever been this happy that it's friday. Well not for a long long time that is. Work has been an absolute nightmare this week... anything that could have gone wrong - did.

But.... it's the weekend and I have some nice plans so I just have to make it through today. I can do it!

And then next week will be better - well it better be!

I should run to work..... keep leaving later than I should be!

Thursday, September 08, 2005


Well I'm finally back... did you miss me? I was trying to post - honest! I kept entering the wrong user name... yes I'm kind of a dumbass.

So... I'm dating. It's a whole lot more fun that I ever thought it would be. Wow. Apparently I spent 8 years with a man that didn't truly appreciate me. I think I've already experienced more enjoyment and appreciation from the guys I've met. Sad really.

And I'm moving... I should probably start packing one of these days considering I am moving in 2 weeks. Oops.

I am spending a smidg more and getting an apartment that is 3x the size of this place and will be nice and quiet! Yay! I can't wait to have quiet. Oh how I'm looking forward to quiet.

Okay I'm off for now... but I'll be back soon now that I know what I'm doing!

Sunday, September 04, 2005

First time posting :)

Well I have decided to try this blogging thing out! Jen sounds like she has so much fun with hers so I'm going to give it a try. Not sure who will read it but I think it'll be relaxing - like a diary of some sort.

A bit about me: Andrea aka Andi, soon to be divorced, auntie to 2 lovely boys, and dating up a storm :)

I'm currently in Cloverdale but will be moving shortly over to Coquitlam to be closer to my friends and family.

As for my title, well it's one of my favorite songs and it's by U2. It reminds me that you can't and don't have to do everything on your own and to count on your family and friends when you need too. The past year has been a very roller coaster type of ride that I would never do over again but also wouldn't change any of it. It's made me who I am - and I like her! And I am a much stronger person because of it.

I'll be back later with more :)