Monday, October 17, 2005


Well now I've gone and done it. I must have slept funny because I have been in severe pain all day. And it's not just a kink - it's full blown all my shoulders and I can barely move. Was basically a mess at work today... in tears..... ended up at the clinic to get some good drugs. Then I couldn't take the muscle relaxant until I got home :(

I am currently waiting for it to kick in. Oh yeah... better be good I tell ya.

My sweet coworker went home and got Bengay and rubbed it on my shoulders all afternoon. Ahhhh. Now to figure out how to get it on tonight before I go to bed. Should be interesting because it's painful to move.

On a happier note, I'm going to see the new INXS with Mr JD Fortune himself. And the opening act is Marty Casey. Woohoo! I am on strict orders to take pictures.... we are row 20 at the Queen Elizabeth theatre. Awesome!

Also, a friend has invited me to a private concert with Default tomorrow night at a club downtown. Am hesitant but really I shouldn't even be thinking about turning it down!

1 comment:

Refinnej said...


Whatcha doing on, oh, FRIDAY night this week???

Read my blog, girl!!

Sorry 'bout the back. Yer probably not answering my MSN nudges because the drugs have conked your ass out. LOL