Sunday, June 18, 2006

From Jen:

I AM: Happy (and the best part is that I am for no particular reason!)
I WANT: to make more money
I HATE: other drivers because the majority are stupid!
I LOVE: my family & friends
I MISS: my grandparents
I FEAR: losing anyone I love
I HEAR: more than I’d like too
I WONDER: all the time
I REGRET: a lot but try not to regret much
I AM NOT: a married woman anymore – and damn happy with that
I DANCE: by myself
I AM NOT ALWAYS: quiet – I tend to talk a bit too much
I MAKE WITH MY HANDS: anything and everything I can
I WRITE: to get it out
I NEED: to move and get roommates to save money and try to get out of the hole!
I SHOULD: find a better paying job but for some reason I don’t
I START: lots but ….
I FINISH: ….don’t finish much

Home. At. Last.

As much as I love going away and getting out of town I was very happy to get home today. The drive sucked horribly as I was cramped up in the car and NOT comfortable in the least. So, I am very happy to be here.

Weekend was good. Lots of beer and food injested...... now I really have to go back to the gym tomorrow!

Seems I've missed a bit of action around here..... coworker/friend has broken her foot. And it appears I'll be picking her up tomorrow morning as well as cutie! I wasn't sure on him but he just called from work to see if I was. Of course I am ;)

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Just call me chauffeur....

Well this morning I started driving someone to and from work.

But not just anybody... the cutie I've been flirting with for months! Yes, I'm such a nice person I'm going out of my way to pick him up and then take him home after. Well I thought it was just to work but when he appeared in my office close to quitting time I think it was just assumed by both of us that I would be taking him home. What I'd really like to do is take him home with me! Ha ha! It really does suck that we work together as we get along very well and enjoy laughing with eachother a lot! The best part was showing up this morning and the coworker that's been pushing us together says 'did you two arrive together?' Classic.

But it's all very innocent.... unfortunately I don't see anything happening with him. And that is really really unfortunate as I think we could have made an interesting item. We definately would have had fun trying!


2 more days until my girls weekend away and I cannot wait. My boss asked me to work a later shift on thursday because of two meetings I have to attend but I had such a roller coaster ride getting the day off that I'm tired of bending over backwards for them. He did mention that I'd have to really manage my time well - um yeah really now? He's so clueless as to what I really do around there it's laughable. And honestly, he should talk about multitasking. Har.

Back to my couch I go....

Saturday, June 10, 2006


Oops.... I left here on such a sad note.... and I was better about an hour later!

I may get down once in a while but I sure don't stay there long!

Off to get my day started finally.....

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Well tonight I had a bit of a sad bout. I hate them as I'm usually a pretty happy person. It's sickening actually. But I guess it will happen but when it's out of the blue I hate it more.

I just can't seem to win lately. It just figures that by the time I'm finally ready for a relationship I have nothing of the sort even remotely happening. A year ago at this time I could have had the greatest guy with everything I wanted. But... I was not ready in the least. I still think of him and maybe a different time or place and it would have worked but I digress....

Up until S, I really didn't know how ready I was for something. And it was almost more so apparent *after* that ended. Why is that?

And then I think something is happening with another guy that I've been taking a liking to as of late... but nope. It doesn't appear to be mutual. Well there were signs that it was but it's really not looking that way as of late....

So... here I sit.... sad that now that I'm ready and waiting I got nothin'!

I'm really not interested in going back to dating different guys again like I was doing last year.... but I don't want to be actively looking either for something. KWIM?

I have the song 'too many fish in the sea' going through my head so I know I'll be ok but it feels good to get this out of my system..... I think I'm going to *stop* looking and just relax about it all for the time being. Can't force things that aren't there can ya?

Monday, June 05, 2006

Dum de dum....

I got nothing. Absolutely freakin nothing.

Well maybe something.

Met a new *boy* on friday. Nice and attractive but can you say 'hung up on your ex' much? I honestly want to know how I always seem to attract these guys? Do I have a big sign on me that I am unaware of?

*If you're hung up on your ex - pick me! Pick me! I'm a glutton for punishment.*

I'm not terribly upset about T from friday as there wasn't any sort of connection but it still sucks. Murphy is quickly moving into the *best friend* slot. Gosh, what did I ever do to deserve him?

Then there is another issue... my dearest friend in the world and I have seemed to come off kilter a bit the last few months and I'm not sure how to get back to what we had. I'm trying to figure out if maybe we're just destined to be friends only and not great friends. But we're "lif-ers" or that is how we have both felt for the last 23 years. I love her to death but I honestly do not feel that I'm getting what I need nor do I feel I'm giving her what she needs. I think I've had a wall up with her since before I met S and when he hurt me, her lack of compassion really hit hard. A lot has been going on with us and an email today from her regarding our tentative trip north for a girls weekend was absolutely rude. I was asked by our president if I could change my plans as we are having a very big meeting that day with my client and all of their suppliers. I can't really afford to go anyways as a lot of things have popped up lately, but that's beside the point. She replied with "we'll make other plans then.... thanks anyways"....

And there has also been some new happenings with cutie at work... but it would only embarass me so we're not going there.

I guess I ended up having a bit afterall.... such an exciting life I lead.