Monday, September 26, 2005


Ten Years Ago: I was working at Canadian Tire and was about to venture to Las Vegas for a auto show. I won the trip out of all my department and was only 19. Yes I drank and yes I gambled but only a bit because I looked even younger then. I was living at home and enjoying my friends. Probably spent a bit too much time smoking pot though. Ha ha ha.

Five Years Ago: Ryan and I were newly engaged with a wedding date set for September 1, 2001. Yes 911....ironically we came home from our honeymoon on 9/11. Good times. Probably should have taken some of that as a *sign* but what can you do.

One Year Ago: Ryan and I were newly separated. First time not living together since early 1997 when we first shacked up. I'm still thinking that we are *working on things* at this point but really Ryan is about to meet Megan. Again, good times. Both of us were in Langley but I was about to be going back to Cloverdale as Jen & Aaron had gotten back together.

Yesterday: Up and at them early to get over to Cloverdale to finish up at my old basement suite. And then get back to my new and wonderful apartment. Had a nice lunch with a new friend and sweat far too much for a woman! ha ha ha I hate moving btw, but for the first time in a very long time I really feel like I'm supposed to be where I am. Very content.

Five Songs I Know All The Words To:
Brown Eyed Girl - Van Morrison
Buffalo Stance - Nenah Cherry (still rememer this one!)
Don't Lie - Black Eyed Peas
Wake Me Up When September Ends - Green Day
On My Own - Hedley

peanut butter
ice cream

Five things I'd do with 100 million dollars:
a nice brand spankin new car
give money to my family
build an SPCA shelter in my sister's town AND fund them.
take up hobbies that interest me because i can now afford them
travel again!

Five places I'd run away to:
New York

Five things I would never wear:
a toupee
skin-tight anything
leather pants

Five Favourite TV Shows
Gilmore Girls
Amazing Race
The OC

Five greatest joys
Austin & Jack
living on my own

Five favourite toys:
Canon SLR camera
dvd player
old gameboy (tetris baby!)

Current Reads:
Harry Potter (taking forever as I never sit down and read)
nothing else!

Five People I am tagging to do this:

nobody as I don't have anyone too tag

1 comment:

Refinnej said...

Are you EVER gonna post again?!

Miss you!