Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Well that definately took long enough....

I know I've said this before, numerous times if I recall, but I am FINALLY there. Yup. I don't even know how to explain it but I'm there. I've probably lost you all (I'm talking like there are actually people reading this damn thing) but I have NO idea if I can explain it.

This whole thing with S has been a very big roller coaster as you all know. I've been getting close but taking so many steps back that I hadn't reached the end result and was having problems getting there. But as of last night, and today, I am. I'm done being 'crazy' and getting all sad. I think you could call it an epiphany of sorts. I had to get him to spell it out and I had to realize how I've been acting to really get 'it' but I do. I could NOT be happier. I can't even pinpoint it to exactly what he said but I finally got it. Yay! I have honestly, truly gotten there.

So........ I am ready for what comes my way but I think I'm going to take a break from the whole 'online' thing as lately it's just been one jackass after another. And I'm a good person and I want to be with a good person :) I deserve it!

Oh and on a side note.... Shadd is gone gone gone! He said something that I just could NOT get out of my head that completely turned me off. And I'm not a prude but I have never been talked to like that. Blech. At least he went away quietly....

So onto more adventures.... my coworker is still trying to set me up with her friend and I'm seriously contemplating it as I could really use a good, normal nice guy right now :)

1 comment:

Refinnej said...

#1 - good on ya for ridding yourself of the S-factor. (assuming that's what you're talking about...)

#2 - I know exactly what Shadd said, and HELL YEAH, kick his ass to the curb.

#3 - normal guy? GO!!!!