Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Why me?

I really do NOT get it. I can't win for trying at dating. EVERY single guy that I've wanted (only been a couple but not the point) it has NOT been mutual. But I have NO problem attracting guys that I could do without.

I have been trying to end things with someone for 1 week now. Seriously. Wow. I am too nice. WHY? Well because I do not want to hurt anyone. And I did feel a connection with this guy as we chatted for so long before meeting but it's not there for me. I can't force it. He doesn't listen. He is far too eager to please. Says things he *thinks* I want to hear. Etc. You get my drift. It's really quite maddening. We are currently going over this all AGAIN on msn right now - this very minute. Ack - will it ever end?

And there is another guy that I met on sunday that is just a bit too much already for me. Talking about taking trips and all this mumbo jumbo. Are you for real buddy? We have spent one afternoon together and you are telling me to dream about you and that you miss me? WTF?

What is it with these guys that are so desperate to be in a relationship? I thought they didn't exist? And what is wrong with me that I don't jump at these offerings? Have I really shut myself off that much that I can't accept this? Or have I learned my lesson and will be picking my next partner with much more care? Jeesh.

Purposely NOT posting about the guy I met last night. Really like him but not getting excited - yet. If I post it here then I might jinx it or my dear friend Murphy will show up. Have you met him yet? He's my friend.


Refinnej said...


Men. Can't live with them, can't hide the bodies well enough to elude capture.

Just be patient. I honestly believe you're just being pickier, not that you're "shut off" from anything.

Kazzy said...

I don't see you being shut off either... and nothing wrong with biding your time until something good comes your way and it is the right time, right place for you both. It does happen, as cheesy as it sounds...

Andi said...

Thanks ladies :)

That's kind of how I feel about it, I know I'm definately being more picky!

My friend said it best, she said "with all these guys you are meeting, you are slowly building the perfect guy for you."

I love it.