Monday, January 09, 2006

By the end of this I should be She-Ra.

Well, the old saying goes "that what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger". I'm a big fan of all quotes and "sayings" as they truly all seem very relevent in my life.

So it appears #7 doesn't really have a clue why he said what he did now. Backpeddaling isn't even the word. Ah well. I put myself out there and gave it a shot. Not much more I could have done. Maybe it wasn't the greatest idea but as most of you know I don't always think before doing. I try too - I really do.... just never seems to work that way.

Think I might have scared him off. But wow - if you get scared off by that then you scare a bit too easily for me. I was fully prepared to take things slow... that's how it always was with us. Slow. I didn't like it but I was prepared for it. Now it appears it's over. Well the idea of something more is over anyways. I know that deep down he wasn't right for me but honestly I'm not looking for the One by any means. Not even close to that. Not sure when I will be to tell you the honest truth. Thought I had it once and look where that got me. But it sure would have been fun. I don't even know if I can explain it thoroughly, I just know that I should have really listened to my horoscope today.

It goes as follows:

December 26th:

You may get the impression that someone you really admire is being distant and even frosty towards you. But the celestial configuration indicates that they are probably more than a little overwhelmed by your natural warmth and enthusiasm. The truth is that they are probably very much attracted to you, but just nervous to jump into a relationship so quickly. Just give it a while!

Big red flags to back off here. Yeah.... oops!

January 8th:

You may find yourself uncharacteristically and powerfully drawn to someone whom you just can't get out of your head. The planetary atmosphere is creating a situation in which you feel you would do anything to attract their attention or get them to ask you out on a date. But you would have a better chance if you could cool off a bit; otherwise you may frighten them off.

Please note the "better chance if you could cool off a bit; otherwise you may frighten them off." Yeah.. uh huh. Oops again.

And finally my lovescope for today:

This is an ideal moment to address once and for all the questions that have been on your mind for the last few weeks. Pay particular attention to questions that touch on your sentimental life. If you are currently involved in unsatisfactory relationships, don't be afraid to leave them behind. And if you're fretting about a request

This one sort of scared me a bit... and I think it's what made me just ask him. I don't think we have an unsatisfactory relationship but I wasn't happy with not really knowing. And from what he said last week I really was hopeful for more.

I still want to talk to him and get some answers - but this always seems to be the way with me. I truly thought he was different in that he didn't shy away from telling it like it was. But he did that tonight. Couldn't even give me an honest answer which truly does stink. In the worst possible way.

We are still friends.... not sure I'm ready to not talk to him yet. We have fun and I really enjoy talking to him. Maybe I liked the idea of him? Maybe I really did like him? Maybe he did/does like me but I scared him off. Maybe oh maybe I'll never know.

Ah well, what can you do.

1 comment:

Refinnej said...

Men. Argh.