Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Well I finally am an active blogger and I have no visitors :(

Not much to say tonight..... tired.... am excited to come straight home tomorrow after work as it'll be the first time all week. Yay! As long as I don't hang around late at work flirting with our cute little shipper! Yeah... he's a doll.


Betty said...

Andi, I do check in here, but as this blog is mainly for you I mostly stay quiet, you know?

Glad to see you writing more, as it helps to sort things out.

Refinnej said...

Shaddap. I'll have to get used to you actually posting.


Andi said...

Thanks ladies :)

It is my little escape and my own little journal.

Betty said...

Which your MOM will soon be reading, unless refinnej's link "goes missing". It's only a matter of time...and you talk about boys in here...

Refinnej said...

Would you like your link from my blog to "go missing" as Trish suggests? LOL

Honestly, she was asking me how to save MY blog as a favourite so methinks you might be safe. I think I'll change the link to your blog title...then she'd really have to look.


Anonymous said...

Hi, its Tracey, Im ashamed to say but I keep forgetting to check out people blogs. I will definitely get here more often though. :)